[GSoC2021] [OGI] Google Summer of Code 2021 is a Go!

Dear All, Sorry for the delay; it was a busy week. The good news is that we’ve been accepted for GSoC 2021. Here’s an update: * Responding to early interest from students. Please watch out for emails! * You can still submit your ideas here<http://gmod.org/wiki/GSOC_Project_Ideas_2021>. * Updating the GSoC org page to include new projects. * Setting up the mentors list. * Please send me your preferred email to subscribe you to the mentors list for the group. * To avoid emails being marked as spam please add summerofcode-noreply@google.com as a trusted contact. * GSoC timeline - https://summerofcode.withgoogle.com/dashboard/timeline/ * Since we have a few new mentors and projects, I wonder if we could have a meeting to discuss a few things. * Link - https://doodle.com/poll/ukfa9q7xh3pav3nx?utm_source=poll&utm_medium=link Our next landmark date is 29th March, when students can start applying to our organization. Thanks, Robin Robin Haw, PhD Reactome | JBrowse - Senior Project Manager and Outreach Co-ordinator robin.haw@oicr.on.ca<mailto:robin.haw@oicr.on.ca> Adaptive Oncology Ontario Institute for Cancer Research MaRS Centre, 661 University Avenue, Suite 510, Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5G 0A3 @OICR_news | www.oicr.on.ca<http://www.oicr.on.ca> | @reactome | reactome.org<http://reactome.org> | @JBrowseGossip | jbrowse.org<http://jbrowse.org> Collaborate. Translate. Change lives. This message and any attachments may contain confidential and/or privileged information for the sole use of the intended recipient. Any review or distribution by anyone other than the person for whom it was originally intended is strictly prohibited. If you have received this message in error, please contact the sender and delete all copies. Opinions, conclusions or other information contained in this message may not be that of the organization.
participants (1)
Robin Haw