January 27, 2012 Galaxy Distribution & News Brief
Complete News Brief * http://wiki.g2.bx.psu.edu/DevNewsBriefs/2012_01_27
* Important metadata and Python 2.5 support corrections * SAMtools upgraded for version 0.1.18. Mpileup added. * Dynamic filtering, easy color options, and quicker indexing enhance Trackster * Set up your Galaxy instance to run cluster jobs as the real user, not the Galaxy owner * Improvements to metadata handling and searching in the Tool Shed * Improved solutions for schema access, jobs management, & workflow imports and inputs. * New datatypes (Eland, XML), multiple tool enhancements, and bug fixes.
Get Galaxy! * http://getgalaxy.org
new: % hg clone http://www.bx.psu.edu/hg/galaxy galaxy-dist upgrade: % hg pull -u -r 26920e20157f
Read the release announcement and see the prior release history * http://wiki.g2.bx.psu.edu/DevNewsBriefs/
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