Dear Dev Mailing List, is there any possibility build into galaxy to "archive" histories? By "archive" I mean not deleting them, but hiding them from the normal views? Many thanks in advance! Mit freundlichen Grüßen Matthias Enders ----------------------------------------------------------------------- GERMAN SEED ALLIANCE GmbH c/o Norddeutsche Pflanzenzucht Hans-Georg Lembke KG Hohenlieth, 24363 Holtsee Tel.: +49 (0)4351/ 736-189 Fax: + 49 (0)4351/ 736-271 Mobil: +49 (0)151/ 14247360 Email: m.enders@german-seed-alliance.de Firmensitz Köln Amtsgericht Köln, HRB 73844 -----Ursprüngliche Nachricht----- Von: galaxy-dev [mailto:galaxy-dev-bounces@lists.galaxyproject.org] Im Auftrag von galaxy-dev-request@lists.galaxyproject.org Gesendet: Dienstag, 23. Januar 2018 18:00 An: galaxy-dev@lists.galaxyproject.org Betreff: galaxy-dev Digest, Vol 139, Issue 12 Send galaxy-dev mailing list submissions to galaxy-dev@lists.galaxyproject.org To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit https://lists.galaxyproject.org/listinfo/galaxy-dev or, via email, send a message with subject or body 'help' to galaxy-dev-request@lists.galaxyproject.org You can reach the person managing the list at galaxy-dev-owner@lists.galaxyproject.org When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific than "Re: Contents of galaxy-dev digest..." HEY! This is important! If you reply to a thread in a digest, please 1. Change the subject of your response from "Galaxy-dev Digest Vol ..." to the original subject for the thread. 2. Strip out everything else in the digest that is not part of the thread you are responding to. Why? 1. This will keep the subject meaningful. People will have some idea from the subject line if they should read it or not. 2. Not doing this greatly increases the number of emails that match search queries, but that aren't actually informative. Today's Topics: 1. GCCBOSC 2018 Training Topic Voting is now open (Dave Clements) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Message: 1 Date: Mon, 22 Jan 2018 11:06:01 -0800 From: Dave Clements <clements@galaxyproject.org> To: Galaxy Dev List <galaxy-dev@lists.galaxyproject.org>, Galaxy Announcements List <galaxy-announce@lists.galaxyproject.org> Cc: GCCBOSC 2018 Organizers <gccbosc2018-org@lists.galaxyproject.org> Subject: [galaxy-dev] GCCBOSC 2018 Training Topic Voting is now open Message-ID: <CA+He-X_e7frd_nT8dK0-XieKdZ+q0fOSgqJdv32TsK1MFcD=vw@mail.gmail.com> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8" Hello all, Voting is now open <http://bit.ly/gccbosc2018-vote> on what training topics <https://galaxyproject.org/events/gccbosc2018/training/> will be offered at GCCBOSC 2018 <https://gccbosc2018.sched.com/>. Your vote <http://bit.ly/gccbosc2018-vote> will determine the topics that are offered, which topics should be offered more than once, and which ones should not be scheduled at the same time. Your vote matters. *Topic voting closes January 31.* The Training schedule, including instructors, will be published before early registration opens. GCCBOSC2018 <https://gccbosc2018.sched.com/> will be held 25-30 June in Portland, Oregon, United States. It will feature two days of training: the second of which is multi-track and will feature content for both the BOSC and Galaxy communities. Workshops will be hands-on and participants will be strongly encouraged to bring a laptop and follow along. If you work in data-intensive biomedical research, there is no better place than GCCBOSC 2018 to present your work and to learn from others. Thanks, and see you in Portland! The GCCBOSC 2018 Organizers <https://galaxyproject.org/events/gccbosc2018/organizers> -- https://galaxyproject.org/ https://usegalaxy.org/ -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: <https://lists.galaxyproject.org/pipermail/galaxy-dev/attachments/20180122/31486ca7/attachment-0001.html> ------------------------------ Subject: Digest Footer _______________________________________________ galaxy-dev mailing list galaxy-dev@lists.galaxyproject.org https://lists.galaxyproject.org/listinfo/galaxy-dev To search Galaxy mailing lists use the unified search at: http://galaxyproject.org/search/mailinglists/ ------------------------------ End of galaxy-dev Digest, Vol 139, Issue 12 *******************************************
participants (1)
Matthias Enders