Hi all, I am trying to run the vcf-merge tool, which depends on the vcftools 0.1.11 package. I have this vcftools package and also the required tabix 0.2.6 both installed via the toolshed (tabix is set in the PATH of the Galaxy startup script). However, I keep getting gunzip error messages such as the following: Log: tool progress gunzip: error writing to output: Broken pipe gunzip: 0.vcf.sorted.gz: uncompress failed Using column name 'mutant' for 0.vcf.sorted.gz:mutant Using column name 'sibling' for 0.vcf.sorted.gz:sibling gunzip: error writing to output: Broken pipe gunzip: 1.vcf.sorted.gz: uncompress failed Using column name '1.vcf.sorted_mutant' for 1.vcf.sorted.gz:mutant Using column name '1.vcf.sorted_sibling' for 1.vcf.sorted.gz:sibling Does anyone have any idea how to solve this? The command that the wrapper is generating is: vcf-sort /Volumes/ngs/database/files/058/dataset_58073.dat > 0.vcf.sorted ; bgzip 0.vcf.sorted ; tabix -p vcf 0.vcf.sorted.gz ; vcf-sort /Volumes/ngs/database/files/058/dataset_58078.dat > 1.vcf.sorted ; bgzip 1.vcf.sorted ; tabix -p vcf 1.vcf.sorted.gz ; vcf-merge 0.vcf.sorted.gz 1.vcf.sorted.gz > /Volumes/ngs/database/files/058/dataset_58489.dat Thanks, Richard
participants (1)
Poole, Richard