GCCBOSC 2018 Abstract Submission & Early Registration are Open

Hello all, We are pleased to announce that abstract submission and early registration for GCCBOSC2018 <https://gccbosc2018.sched.com/> are now open. - Submit an abstract <https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=gccbosc2018> (oral presentation abstracts due March 16) - Register <https://gccbosc2018.eventbrite.com/> - Book conference housing <https://gccbosc2018housing.eventbrite.com/> GCCBOSC 2018 <https://gccbosc2018.sched.com/> will be held 25-30 June in Portland, Oregon, United States. This brings the 2018 Galaxy Community Conference and the Bioinformatics Open Source Conference together into a unified week-long event. If you work in open source life science or data-intensive biomedical research, then there is no better place than GCCBOSC 2018 to present your work and to learn from others. Events GCCBOSC <https://gccbosc2018.sched.com/> starts with two days of training <https://gccbosc2018.sched.com/overview/type/C.x+Training+-+All> with a wide range of topics nominated and selected by our communities. Training is followed by a two day meeting, with joint and parallel tracks, featuring oral presentations, posters, demos, lightning talks, birds-of-a-feather and invited keynotes <https://galaxyproject.org/events/gccbosc2018/keynotes/>from Fernando Pérez <https://galaxyproject.org/events/gccbosc2018/keynotes/#bosc-gcc-joint-keynote-fernando-perez> of the Berkeley Institute for Data Science <https://bids.berkeley.edu/> and Project Jupyter <http://jupyter.org/>, and Tracy K. Teal <https://galaxyproject.org/events/gccbosc2018/keynotes/#bosc-2018-keynote-tracy-k-teal> of The Carpentries. The week finishes with *CollaborationFest <https://galaxyproject.org/events/gccbosc2018/collaboration/> Core* and *Encore*, two or four days of collaborative work on code, documentation, training and challenging data analysis problems. Abstract Submission BOSC and GCC are now accepting abstracts <https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=gccbosc2018> for oral presentations, posters, demos, and lightning talks. We are using EasyChair <https://easychair.org/> for submissions. If you don't already have an account, you'll need to create one. *The deadline for oral presentations is rapidly approaching (March 16) so plan to submit your abstracts soon.* Registration Register now <https://gccbosc2018.eventbrite.com/> to take full advantage of early registration discounts <https://galaxyproject.org/events/gccbosc2018/register/> for students/post-docs (75% off full price), non-profits (67%) and industry (50%). Early registration rates for students and post-docs average $66 / day. Conference Housing Official conference housing <https://gccbosc2018housing.eventbrite.com/> for GCCBOSC 2018 is in Reed residence halls. Rooms are within easy walking distance of all conference venues. Room prices per night drop the longer the stay. If you prefer to stay elsewhere, Reed College has a list of recommended hotels <https://www.reed.edu/accommodations.html>, many offering a discount for those attending events at Reed. Travel Fellowships Both OBF and the Galaxy Community Fund Board are offering fellowships to attend GCCBOSC 2018: - OBF Travel Fellowships <https://github.com/OBF/obf-docs/blob/master/Travel_fellowships.md>, deadline is April 15. - GCC2018 Fellowships <https://galaxyproject.org/news/2018-02-20-gcc-fellowships/>, first deadline is March 16. See you in Portland! The GCCBOSC 2018 Organizers <https://galaxyproject.org/events/gccbosc2018/organizers> -- https://galaxyproject.org/ https://usegalaxy.org/
participants (1)
Dave Clements