Error in fresh galaxy install

I am setting up a new galaxy instance and upon intial setup and user login I get this error. The database is brand new and there is no data in any history as I am the sole user at this moment. "onLine": true, "version": "17.05", "xhr": { "readyState": 4, "responseText": "{\"err_msg\": \"History is not accessible by user\", \"err_code\": 403002}", "responseJSON": { "err_msg": "History is not accessible by user", "err_code": 403002 }, "status": 403, "statusText": "Forbidden" }, "options": { "parse": true, "keys": "type_id,element_count", "filters": { "history_content_type": "dataset_collection" }, "remove": false, "traditional": true, "data": { "keys": "type_id,element_count", "order": "hid", "v": "dev", "q": [ "history_content_type", "deleted", "purged", "visible" ], "qv": [ "dataset_collection", "False", "False", "True" ] }, "emulateHTTP": false, "emulateJSON": false, "textStatus": "error", "errorThrown": "Forbidden" },
participants (1)
evan clark