Server Error when creating Quota

My goal is that no user can upload or create a total of more than 100 gb. So I tried following the instructions here to set up a quota: I turned on these two things in universe_wsgi.ini: enable_quotas = True allow_user_dataset_purge = True And then tried to set up a quota like this: When I clicked save i got a server error. I see this in the galaxy log file: WSGI Variables -------------- application: <paste.recursive.RecursiveMiddleware object at 0x858b8d0> paste.cookies: (<SimpleCookie: galaxysession='040ae2dcc0761ad6d57d3a6c430f4cfc5d1d179e714a38e8623d7c662c791cc00a39bc01fe396534'>, 'galaxysession=040ae2dcc0761ad6d57d3a6c430f4cfc5d1d179e714a38e8623d7c662c791cc00a39bc01fe396534') paste.expected_exceptions: [<class 'paste.httpexceptions.HTTPException'>] paste.httpexceptions: <paste.httpexceptions.HTTPExceptionHandler object at 0x858b550> paste.httpserver.thread_pool: <paste.httpserver.ThreadPool object at 0x2265950> paste.recursive.forward: <paste.recursive.Forwarder from /> paste.recursive.include: <paste.recursive.Includer from /> paste.recursive.include_app_iter: <paste.recursive.IncluderAppIter from /> paste.recursive.script_name: '' paste.throw_errors: True webob._parsed_post_vars: (MultiDict([('name', 'General'), ('description', 'General User Quota'), ('amount', '100 gb'), ('operation', '='), ('default', 'registered'), ('create_quota_button', 'Save')]), <FakeCGIBody at 7f3c3ce18950 viewing MultiDict([('na...e')])>) webob._parsed_query_vars: (MultiDict([]), '') wsgi process: 'Multithreaded'
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