Hi all, Now that the Exec has met, what do you all think of posting a high-level summary of the meeting in the hub? I drafted a summary of the meeting -- copied below and in the agenda document<https://docs.google.com/document/d/15aKsO1YM-9YyEp0-YO-J2OIhJRh53zw2RXWVA4A9w2A/edit#heading=h.piy5lu9acl1g>. The Galaxy Executive (Exec) Board held their first meeting on Wednesday, June 29! The major discussions were about the purpose of the group, deciding to focus on the strategic scientific, technical, and global outreach partnerships and directions to pursue. The Exec also shared some considerations around GCC2023 and future meetings, thinking of new ways to engage the community globally and regionally. The Exec will meet again in two months, then shift to quarterly meetings. Feel free to make any edits you see fit, and please let us know if you agree to posting this update in the hub. Thanks! Natalie -- Natalie Kucher | Project Manager Johns Hopkins University Department of Biology Krieger School of Arts & Sciences nkucher3@jhu.edu<mailto:nkucher3@jhu.edu> https://anvilproject.org/