Fwd: [galaxy-dev] Remote Contribution Fest - Metagenomics Tools and Workflows 30th December + 1st November

Bonsoir à tous les Galaxystes, Juste un petit mail car il semble, sauf erreur de ma part, que l'info n'a pas circulé sur la liste Galaxy France. Vous trouverez ci-joint un mail de Björn Grüning concernant le remote hackathon Galaxy metagenomique qui aura lieu lundi et mardi prochain. Comme nous avions entamé des discussions sur cette thématique avec des collègues de l'Ifremer de Plouzané, d'Ecobio à Rennes et de l'INRA de Toulouse et Jouy-en-Josas notamment, nous proposons d'héberger une dizaine de personnes intéressées par participer à l'événement à l'INRIA / IRISA de Rennes pendant les 2 jours du hackathon. Nous avons commencé à rédiger un pré-programme et des actions possibles autour des pipelines FROGS, Qiime, Mothur et ASaiM notamment ( https://cesgo.genouest.org/groups/guggo/wiki/MEtagenomicsHackathon ) . Si la thématique Métagénomique vous intéresse, n'hésitez pas à vous faire connaître directement sur la page github centralisant les infos sur le hackathon ( https://github.com/galaxyproject/tools-iuc/issues/299 ), et/ou à me contacter. En vous souhaitant une bonne soirée, Amicalement, Yvan ----- Mail original -----
De: "Björn Grüning" <bjoern.gruening@gmail.com> À: galaxy-dev@lists.bx.psu.edu, "Dave Clements" <clementsgalaxy@gmail.com>, "Jennifer Jackson" <jen@bx.psu.edu> Envoyé: Mardi 10 Novembre 2015 18:00:31 Objet: [galaxy-dev] Remote Contribution Fest - Metagenomics Tools and Workflows 30th December + 1st November
Hello all,
We are planning a remote contribution fest for Galaxy tool developers to hack and data scientists to develop, document and create metagenomic Tools and Workflows.
It will take place on 30th of November and 1st of December 2015!
The remote nature of this should give people who don't have the opportunity to come to GCC hackathons (which have always been productive and a lot of fun) a chance to participate in a Galaxy hackathon. Hopefully having a well defined topic will allow us to accomplish a lot and let people who don't have particular tasks in mind find something to work on very quickly.
We have been collecting ideas to work on here - https://github.com/galaxyproject/tools-iuc/issues/299, but feel free to contribute your own ideas and enhancements to rock the metabolic world.
If you are interested in participating in the codefest but not interested in actual tool development - we will assemble a list of small things everyone can contribute. So we explicitly invite everyone that is interested on metagenomics in Galaxy - Galaxy Scientists welcome!
This is the second remote codefest we will organize and we encourage ideas or advice about how to improve this - let us know.
Thanks, Galaxy IUC ___________________________________________________________ Please keep all replies on the list by using "reply all" in your mail client. To manage your subscriptions to this and other Galaxy lists, please use the interface at: https://lists.galaxyproject.org/
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Yvan Le Bras, PhD @Yvan2935 <°))))>< e-Biogenouest project http://www.e-biogenouest.org CNRS UMR 6074 IRISA-INRIA, Campus de Beaulieu, 35042 Rennes Cedex tél.: +33 (0) 2 99 84 71 79 / +33 (0) yvan.le_bras@irisa.fr
participants (1)
Yvan Le Bras