Hello all, I'm going to drop the effort to get a Software/Data Carpentry Train the Trainer workshop just before GCC2016. Hosting the workshop is on the expensive side, and just having 7+ people stating their interest at this time means it's just too much risk for the organizers. While that will be disappointing to many of us, you can still take Software / Data Carpentry Train the Trainer Training (S/DCTTTT?) through other means. See http://www.datacarpentry.org/involved-instructor/ http://software-carpentry.org/pages/join.html http://swcarpentry.github.io/training-course/ Thanks to everyone who considered attending, and to all those who participated in the discussion. Dave C On Mon, Oct 5, 2015 at 10:57 AM, Dave Clements <clements@galaxyproject.org> wrote:
Hello all,
Thanks to everyone who has responded thus far. Counting Simon as 1, we have 7 people that are interested.*
Please let me or the list know this week if you would be interested in attending, or have other feedback.
Dave C
* I also heard from one group that would be interested, but is likely to become certified before next summer. So close! But also good to hear. -)
On Sun, Sep 27, 2015 at 8:47 PM, Tiago Rodrigues Antao <tra@popgen.net> wrote:
On Thu, 24 Sep 2015 10:15:52 -0700 Dave Clements <clements@galaxyproject.org> wrote:
Including you, I've heard from 4 people saying that they are interested. If anyone else is interested, or has comments, please let me know or respond to the list. We'll only plan this if the interest level justifies it.
My current training/teaching sessions around here is mostly introducing people to galaxy. Definitely I am interested.
-- http://galaxyproject.org/ http://getgalaxy.org/ http://usegalaxy.org/ https://wiki.galaxyproject.org/
-- http://galaxyproject.org/ http://getgalaxy.org/ http://usegalaxy.org/ https://wiki.galaxyproject.org/