Hello all, I attended the annual GOBLET meeting in November. GOBLET ( http://mygoblet.org/) is a global organization focused on bioinformatics training. Their goals largely mirror (and predate) the goals of the Galaxy Training Network (GTN, https://wiki.galaxyproject.org/Teach). I was impressed with the group. I was about to submit my individual membership for 2015, and it occurred to me that by pooling individual memberships, we might be able to get an organizational membership for GTN. That is, if 5 of us were interested in joining, we might be able to pool those into a single Bronze membership. Individual memberships are €50/year and Bronze are €250. As an annual membership, we would need to find 5 people every year. A Bronze membership gets us a place for the GTN in GOBLET, and a vote in GOBLET issues (as an individual member I don't get a vote). It also raises the visibility of both GTN and GOBLET. This would only make sense if at least 5 of us, who aren't already organizational members, were interested in joining as individuals anyway. What do people think? Discussion and "yes I'm willing to contribute € to a pooled membership" emails are welcome. Thanks, Dave C -- http://galaxyproject.org/ http://getgalaxy.org/ http://usegalaxy.org/ https://wiki.galaxyproject.org/