HI All, FYI. Dave C ---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Teresa Attwood <teresa.k.attwood@manchester.ac.uk> Date: Tue, Aug 8, 2017 at 2:47 AM Subject: FW: [ESCIENCE-LAB] Fwd: FOSTER - call for trainers to share their experiences in a book sprint To: "all@mygoblet.org" <all@mygoblet.org> Cc: Teresa Attwood <teresa.k.attwood@manchester.ac.uk> Dear All, The following might be of interest to some members of the GOBLET community. Best wishes, Terri -------- Forwarded Message -------- From: Joy Davidson <joy.davidson@glasgow.ac.uk<mailto:joy.davidson@glasgow. ac.uk>> Subject: [rda-edu-ig] FOSTER - call for trainers to share their experiences in a book sprint Date: 2 August 2017 at 14:53:46 BST To: Education and Training on handling of research data IG < rda-edu-ig@rda-groups.org<mailto:rda-edu-ig@rda-groups.org>> Cc: "Brinken, Helene" <brinken@sub.uni-goettingen.de<mailto:brinken@sub.uni- goettingen.de>> Hi everyone, I wanted to share this pre-call for potential authors to a collaboratively author a handbook on Open Science training written by trainers for trainers. The call will go out more widely via the FOSTER website in September but I wanted to share it with members of this group in advance. The dates are still be finalised but it will likely take place the first or second week of February in Hanover, Germany. If you have any questions, please contact Helen Brinken (cc’d). All the best, Joy Call to Open Science trainers – share your experiences and help to write a book! Next February FOSTER will bring together Open Science trainers and educators to collaboratively author a training handbook. If you have practical experience in implementing Open Science training at your organisation we’d love to hear from you. What works, what doesn’t? How can you make the most of limited resources? With your help, we will create a handbook that equips future trainers with methods, instructions, exemplary training outlines and inspiration for their own Open Science trainings. The handbook will provide Open Science advocates across the globe with practical know-how to deliver Open Science principles to researchers and support staff. The handbook will be produced in a book sprint. You never have heard of that? This format will ensure a workshop environment in which a team of about 10 authors creates a finished book in four days collaboratively. Sounds crazy? Maybe, but let’s go for it! Join our writing adventure: Ten authors. Four days. One book. We are looking for people from diverse scientific backgrounds, with Open Science expertise (from general to discipline specific) and experience in developing and delivering Open Science training. So, if you would like to share your experiences and are motivated to be part of our team writing a handbook in just a few days, please apply using the form available at: https://goo.gl/forms/G6wwKMtKpuA00O9W2 < https://goo.gl/forms/G6wwKMtKpuA00O9W2> We will need information about your scientific background, your area of Open Science expertise, your training experience and of course your motivation to participate in our extraordinary writing adventure. The book sprint will take place in Germany. Your travel expenses will be co-funded by FOSTER. The call for expressions of interests will be open until Sunday, 1 October 2017. You will hear from us by late October 2017. Contact person If you have any questions or need clarifications, please contact Helene Brinken, University of Göttingen, State and University Library, brinken@sub.uni-goettingen.de<mailto:brinken@sub.uni-goettingen.de> <mailto: brinken@sub.uni-goettingen.de>. About FOSTER The EU-funded project FOSTER (Fostering the practical implementation of Open Science in Horizon 2020 and beyond) aims to support Open Science trainers in multiplying open access, open data sharing and open science principles. -- Full post: https://www.rd-alliance.org/group/education-and-training- handling-research-data-ig/post/foster-call-trainers-share-their < https://www.rd-alliance.org/group/education-and-training- handling-research-data-ig/post/foster-call-trainers-share-their> Manage my subscriptions: https://www.rd-alliance.org/mailinglist < https://www.rd-alliance.org/mailinglist> Stop emails for this post: https://www.rd-alliance.org/ mailinglist/unsubscribe/57226 <https://www.rd-alliance.org/ mailinglist/unsubscribe/57226> -- https://galaxyproject.org/ https://getgalaxy.org/ https://usegalaxy.org/ https://gcc2017.sciencesconf.org/