Hi All, And this topic - Metagenomics with Galaxy <https://wiki.galaxyproject.org/Events/GCC2016/Training#Metagenomics_with_Galaxy> needs a more robust description, and suggested instructors as well. Thanks, Dave C. On Mon, Oct 19, 2015 at 1:05 PM, Dave Clements <clements@galaxyproject.org> wrote:
Hello all,
Most GCC2016 training nominations have now been posted to https://wiki.galaxyproject.org/Events/GCC2016/Training
And we ...
*Need possible Instructors for ...*
Most of those nominations included the nominator as a suggested instructor, but some did not. Voting doesn't open for another week, but I'd like to start work on identifying instructors for the course we don't have names for:
- Small Genomes de novo Assembly and Scaffolding <https://wiki.galaxyproject.org/Events/GCC2016/Training#Small_Genomes_de_novo_Assembly_and_Scaffolding> - Small Genome Annotation <https://wiki.galaxyproject.org/Events/GCC2016/Training#Small_Genome_Annotation> - RNA-seq analysis with Galaxy, using advanced workflows <https://wiki.galaxyproject.org/Events/GCC2016/Training#RNA-seq_analysis_with_Galaxy.2C_using_advanced_workflows> - Phylogeny, Species identification (16S and 18S metagenomics tools) and Viral detection tools <https://wiki.galaxyproject.org/Events/GCC2016/Training#Phylogeny.2C_Species_identification_.2816S_and_18S_metagenomics_tools.29_and_Viral_detection_tools> - Antibiotics resistance predictions, Virulence genes, Insertion sequences, Phages and Plasmid profiling <https://wiki.galaxyproject.org/Events/GCC2016/Training#Antibiotics_resistance_predictions.2C_Virulence_genes.2C_Insertion_sequences.2C_Phages_and_Plasmid_profiling>
If you have any interest in teaching, or have ideas on who could teach these topics, please let me know. Potential instructors can update the text of any workshop topic that they take on.
*Need a topic description for ...*
Finally, we have one topic that we only have a very short description for this workshop nomination:
- ChIP-Seq data analyses <https://wiki.galaxyproject.org/Events/GCC2016/Training#ChIP-Seq_data_analyses>
This topic was nominated by Nobuo Horikoshi (cc'd here). Nobuo's particular concerns are
... guidelines strongly recommend biological replicates for ChIP-Seq but
handling replicates are not well described/developped in Galaxy yet. Furthermore, the most common IDR calculation for MACS is not suitable for SICER peak calling. Therefore, I thought handling biological replicates is practically essential task in Galaxy.
I've asked some folks with a deeper understanding of ChIP-Seq if they could transform Nobuo's description into a workshop description, but so far, no one has embraced that task.
If anyone on this list feels up that task, please let Nobuo and myself know. It would be nice to have a fuller description up no later than next Monday.
Thanks everyone,
Dave C.
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