Hi Dave, Hans-Rudolf, all, I don't know if these are GTN needs or just mine :) but aswell as what Dave put, what about... For the Galaxy training material that's being developed it would be great to have as many bioinformatics trainers as possible be aware that it exists and also try it out and give feedback on how they find it. How to best link in with other bioinformatics groups/networks/trainers for awareness of what each other are doing, sharing learnings/resources, collaborating on things of common interest etc. As I think the Galaxy Training Network Github is a great idea, and for trainers like me who also teach other bioinformatics software it could be great if there were also centralized Githubs/communities for collaborative development of high-quality bioinformatics training for R, Python, Command Line, HPC etc (they could maybe even use the same datasets where appropriate). Cheers, Maria Maria Doyle Application and Training Specialist Research Computing Facility [http://i.imgur.com/tG0nMXg.jpg] From: Galaxy-training <galaxy-training-bounces@lists.galaxyproject.org<mailto:galaxy-training-bounces@lists.galaxyproject.org>> on behalf of Dave Clements <clements@galaxyproject.org<mailto:clements@galaxyproject.org>> Date: Wednesday, 7 June 2017 at 5:50 AM To: Hans-Rudolf Hotz <hrh@fmi.ch<mailto:hrh@fmi.ch>> Cc: Galaxy-Training List <galaxy-training@lists.galaxyproject.org<mailto:galaxy-training@lists.galaxyproject.org>> Subject: [SPAM][M] Re: [gxy-train] a Birds-of-a-Feather meeting for the Computational Biology Education (CoBE) Community at ISMB Prague Hi Hans-Rudolf, all Most likely, you are already aware of this...... I wasn't aware of any of this! Thanks for posting the links. The "Computational Biology Education (CoBE) Community" - a Community of Special Interest at the ISMB/ECCB conference - is organizing a Birds-of-a-Feather meeting: http://tinyurl.com/ybl6jfxn This is in addition to the workshop (https://www.iscb.org/cms_addon/conferences/ismbeccb2017/workshops.php#WK01) they are organizing already Should GTN be present at this BoF? I think so. That BoF is during BOSC, which is unfortunate, and which may mean that no one will actually be able to attend (see https://galaxyproject.org/events/2017-ismb-bosc/ for Galaxy-related content I know about). Does anyone think they would be able to attend this BoF? The post says: Even if you are unable to attend the BoF, we welcome your input. So I think we should at least do that, even, if we don't have anyone who can make it. The posts asks for: please provide 2 to 3 bullet points identifying the educational goals and needs of your community. Here's a start Galaxy Training Network - Goals: Scale bioinformatics and Galaxy training; - make it easy to find trainers, training events, and training materials - make it easy to collaboratively create, maintain, and share training materials - Needs: How to make this happen, when very few of us are full-time trainers Thoughts? (And I think that needs statement is weak.) Thanks, Dave C Regards, Hans-Rudolf -- Hans-Rudolf Hotz, PhD Bioinformatics Support Friedrich Miescher Institute for Biomedical Research Maulbeerstrasse 66 4058 Basel/Switzerland -- https://galaxyproject.org/ https://getgalaxy.org/ https://usegalaxy.org/ https://gcc2017.sciencesconf.org/ This email (including any attachments or links) may contain confidential and/or legally privileged information and is intended only to be read or used by the addressee. If you are not the intended addressee, any use, distribution, disclosure or copying of this email is strictly prohibited. Confidentiality and legal privilege attached to this email (including any attachments) are not waived or lost by reason of its mistaken delivery to you. If you have received this email in error, please delete it and notify us immediately by telephone or email. Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre provides no guarantee that this transmission is free of virus or that it has not been intercepted or altered and will not be liable for any delay in its receipt.