1. Enable/Host online discussion about bioinformatics training.
As far as I can tell no action has been taken.
2. Either start sending a regular newsletter, or stop saying we have one.
This has been started.
3. Should GOBLET offer a bioinformatics trainer certification?
I have no emails since the last meeting with the words GOBLET and certify/certification in them. So, no progress.
And from Peter VH during last year's meeting:
There is not really a concept of Goblet Certified Trainer being thrown around but there has been a discussion on what a "Goblet branded" set of training materials or course would involve. The idea is that certain requirements have to be met to get this "Goblet branded" badge.
4. Make it easier to publish, share, and refine training material.
I should have titled this "Embrace the Carpentry model for training materials."
Galaxy Community has actually made a lot of progress on this independent of
GOBLET. There was a two day training material hackathon this month. See
here. (I'm hoping to have a summary in the November newsletter as well.)
As far as I can tell, GOBLET has not done anything with this.
There is an item on this year's agenda about GOBLET's relationship with Software Carpentry, not about training materials per se.
5. Shared Training Datasets are Precious!
No progress from GOBLET here either. However, Björn and Bérenice made progress on this for Galaxy during the October hackathon.
What should be on this year's list? What are our priorities for the coming year? How can GOBLET help us? How can we help GOBLET?
I encourage you to post your ideas to this list. I'll send my suggestions in a separate email as well.