Hi Maria Thank you very much for attending the GOBLET AGM on behalf of GTN this year. And a special big thank you for sending out this nice summary. Regards, Hans-Rudolf On 11/10/2016 04:52 AM, Doyle Maria wrote:
Hi all,
Thanks for all the input into what points to raise at the GOBLET AGM on behalf of GTN.
To update you all, I presented on the points on Tuesday and yesterday using the slides kindly provided to me by Dave and Bjoern & Bérénice and the outcomes were:
*1. Enable/Host online discussion about bioinformatics training.*
I raised the GTN suggestion of having a Biostars forum for GOBLET. There was some discussion as to whether the Biostars Q&A format is more suited to technical issues as opposed to training discussions but we're going to try it out and see how it goes. Eija Korpelainen will be getting in touch with István Albert to see about setting it up.
*2. Embrace the Carpentry model for training material and training datasets*
GOBLET is going to try a pull and place model, in that it will pull from repos like GTN, and they'll be talking to ELIXIR about TESS in relation to that. GOBLET will also be a place to develop material and have it's own github repo. We got the ball rolling with setting up a github during the meeting, now just need to sort out permissions and add material :)
*3. We prepare short presentations on whatever points we decide to push. *
Thanks to Dave, Bjoern and Bérénice for their slides, they were very useful for illustrating the points.
*4. Should GTN stay in GOBLET?*
Hopefully you all think we should, I do and I put my hand up to be on the GOBLET Outreach and PR Committee so if you haven't heard from or about GOBLET in a year's time you can throw some blame my way :)
To answer the question on what is the membership money used for, it's been used for tech intern salary, admin support salary, server support, publicity, booth expenses, AGM. One of the main things it'll be used for in the next year will be for a technical intern to revamp the website and there'll be a survey sent to all GOBLET members so they can give input on what the new website should look like. I could also post it here when it's ready so GTN members can give their input if they want.
And it relation to trainer certification, that's in the too hard basket at the moment.
If anyone has any questions or comments please let me know. I can also update GTN when there's more to say.
Maria Doyle Application and Training Specialist Research Computing Facility