Community News
New Announcements List - We’ve created an announcements list to better communicate with community members. You can expect a monthly newsletter and periodic and timely community announcements on this list. It is meant to be the canonical source for information from both Data and Software Carpentry. Feel free to share the signup link with interested parties.
Nominations for Community Service Award - We are now accepting nominations for a community service award. Please contribute your nominations so that we can recognize the community members who have made this organization a better place for all of us.
Special Election on Software Carpentry Steering Committee rules - See the following blog post on rules for SWC Steering Committee voting. This minor tweak serves to ensure that the Software Carpentry Steering Committee continuity is preserved in cases where a large number (or all) Steering Committee members change in an election.
2017 Software Carpentry Steering Committee Election - It is time to start thinking about the Steering Committee Election coming up in early 2017. If you’re interested in serving on the steering committee, start thinking about a blog post to share your vision for the future of Software Carpentry. We’ll have an official call for blog posts in December and the deadline for them will be in early January. The election will follow 30-days after blog posts from candidates are submitted.
There were or will be talks pertaining to Software and Data Carpentry at - SciDataCon Denver, Colorado, USA / International Congress of Entomology in Orlando, FL, USA / NETTAB Rome, Italy / US White House Open Data Innovation Summit, Washington, DC, USA
Please welcome our new instructor trainers to the instructor training community. Neal Davis (U. Illinois, USA), Karin Lagesen (U. Oslo, Norway), and Anelda van der Walt (Talarify, South Africa). This brings our total number of instructor trainers to 11 globally. If you’re a senior instructor interested in takings steps to become an Instructor Trainer in the future, please contact Greg Wilson.
Sloan Foundation grant to NumFOCUS - Our fiscal sponsor NumFOCUS received a grant from the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation entitled "Building Capacity for NumFOCUS Open Source Projects to Develop and Sustain Industry Relationships". This grant will help all NumFOCUS projects receive training and mentorship related to sustaining Open Source activities that are important to the scientific software community.
Papers & manuscripts from the community
Our community participated in the creation of the following manuscripts and papers. Please contribute comments to the manuscripts and read/share the papers with your community.
Manuscript - Ten Simple Rules for Making Research Software More Robust , please contribute comments here
Manuscript - Good Enough Practices for Scientific Computing, please contribute comments here
Pre-print - A vision for collaborative training infrastructure for bioinformatics (Free pre-print)
Please make suggestions for the Software Carpentry website section on
reading material relevant to our community. Pull requests on GitHub are welcome to
this file.
What you may have missed on the blogs and mailing lists
Teaching with Git and GitHub Desktop - Discuss thread
Python as a second language - Discuss thread
What are the most popular languages by research discipline? - Discuss thread
I think I can. Self-efficacy and the Carpentry learner - DC Blog Post
Job postings
Postdoc at rOpenSci - University of California Berkeley
Data Science Coordinator - University of California Davis
Transparency and Openness Training Coordinator - Center for Open Science
Postdoctoral Researcher - The Jackson Laboratory
Research Data Manager - Brown University
Other places to connect
If you can't get enough Software and Data Carpentry. Here are a few other places to connect with our community.
Going to a workshop or conference, add the details to our events etherpad and meet other carpenters.
Twitter - Software Carpentry / Data Carpentry
GitHub - Software Carpentry / Data Carpentry
Slack / LinkedIn / Facebook
Mailing lists
Have something you’d like to have included in the next newsltter, please send it to