Hi All, FYI. Dave C ---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Teresa Attwood <teresa.k.attwood@manchester.ac.uk> Date: Tue, Jan 16, 2018 at 1:21 AM Subject: Call for Education-Themed Papers and Abstracts for ISMB 2018 To: "all@mygoblet.org" <all@mygoblet.org> Cc: Teresa Attwood <teresa.k.attwood@manchester.ac.uk> Call for Education Papers/Abstracts Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology (ISMB) 2018 July 8, 2018 Chicago, IL U.S.A. We are soliciting submissions for a full-day Education session as part of the program of Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology (ISMB) 2018, to be held July 6-10, 2018 at the Hyatt Regency Hotel, Chicago, IL. Deadline for Proceedings Submission is January 29th. Deadline for Abstract Submissions is April 5th. This is the first time ISMB is specifically soliciting contributed work in the area of computational biology education. Accepted work will appear as part of a one-day track at the ISMB meeting, run under the auspices of the ISMB Education Community of Special Interest (COSI), in parallel with other COSI tracks. The Education track will be open to all ISMB attendees and run on a parallel schedule to other ISMB tracks. Contributions are solicited for proceedings papers with associated platform talks as well as short abstracts for consideration for talks or posters. These will appear in addition to invited talks on topics of community interest. Proceedings papers should be submitted through the general ISMB proceedings submission system. See the following for formatting requirements and submission instructions: https://www.iscb.org/ismb2018-submit/proceedings Manuscripts on bioinformatics education should be designated as part of the Bioinformatics Education area during the submission process. Proceedings submissions will be considered alongside other ISMB proceedings paper submissions. Accepted papers will appear in the ISMB Proceedings special issue of Bioinformatics. Short abstracts (one-page maximum) will be considered separately for platform talks and/or posters. Details on abstract submission will be forthcoming. Papers and abstracts are solicited in all areas of bioinformatics education and training. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following: * Curricular development and guidelines * Education policy * Case studies in bioinformatics education * Pedagogical techniques or experiences * Educational assessment * Outreach and diversity efforts * Training of experimental biologists, computational biologists, healthcare professionals, or other communities * Education at the K-12, undergraduate, graduate, or post-graduate level * Training in academia or industry Invited Speakers * TBA Organizing Committee * Teresa Attwood (University of Manchester) * Fran Lewitter (Whitehead Institute (ret.)) * Ann Meyer (Ontario Institute for Cancer Research) * Sarah Morgan (European Bioinformatics Institute) * Nicola Mulder (University of Cape Town) * Patricia Palagi (Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics) * Russell Schwartz (Carnegie Mellon University) * Lonnie Welch (Ohio University) Key Dates Proceedings * Monday January 29, 2018: Deadline for Proceedings Submission * Wednesday February 28, 2018: Conditional Acceptance Notification for Proceedings * Thursday March 22, 2018: Deadline for Revisions of Proceedings Papers * Monday April 2, 2018: Final Acceptance Notification for Proceedings Abstracts * Thursday Feb 21, 2018: Abstract Submission Opens * Thursday April 5, 2018: Deadline for Abstract Submissions * Thursday April 26, 2018: Acceptance Notification for Talk and Poster Abstracts * Friday April 6, 2018: Late Poster Submission Opens * Tuesday May 1, 2018: Late Poster Submission Deadline * Friday May 18, 2018: Acceptance Notification for Late Posters Meeting Registration * Thursday March 15, 2018: Meeting Registration Opens * Thursday June 7, 2018: Early Registration Deadline * Thursday June 21, 2018: Online Registration Closes * Thursday July 5, 2018: Onsite Registration Opens * Friday July 6-Tuesday July 10, 2018: ISMB Conference * Sunday July 8, 2018: Education Track Sessions -- https://galaxyproject.org/ https://usegalaxy.org/