Fwd: [BBC] Registration Open for ELIXIR-NL Course Bioinformatics for Translational Medicine using Galaxy - 17- 19 October 2018, Amsterdam

Hi All, The second part of this workshop is about using Galaxy in courses as an introduction to bioinformatics. Space is limited. Cheers, Dave C ---------- Forwarded message --------- From: Celia van Gelder <celia.van.gelder@dtls.nl> Date: Sat, Sep 15, 2018 at 10:47 PM Subject: [BBC] Registration Open for ELIXIR-NL Course Bioinformatics for Translational Medicine using Galaxy - 17- 19 October 2018, Amsterdam To: <bbclist@psb.vib-ugent.be> ELIXIR-NL Course: Bioinformatics for Translational Medicine using Galaxy Please circulate this email to those who might be interested. *Date*: 17-19 October, 2018 *Location:* VU Amsterdam (O|2 Lab Building <https://goo.gl/maps/CphwJEFDegt>, Gustav Mahlerlaan 665, 1082 MK, 1082 MK Amsterdam) *Organizers:* Chao (Cico) Zhang (VU), Sanne Abeln (VU), Anton Feenstra (VU), Saskia Hiltemann (ErasmusMC), Mateusz Kuzak (DTL) and Celia van Gelder (DTL). *Course page*: https://www.biosb.nl/education/course-portfolio/bioinformatics-for-translati... *Application form*: https://www.biosb.nl/education/course-portfolio/bioinformatics-for-translati... *TARGET AUDIENCE* *This course consists of two parts, each of which you could register separately in the **application form* <https://www.biosb.nl/education/course-portfolio/bioinformatics-for-translational-medicine-using-galaxy/enrollment-galaxy-workshop-2018/> *.* *Part 1 (Day 1 and 2)*: biomedical & translational medicine researchers/students who are keen on bioinformatics *Part 1 and 2 (Day 1, 2 and 3)*: educators in the “bio” domain who would like to start using Galaxy in their courses as an introduction to bioinformatics. *COURSE DESCRIPTION* Analysing molecular data in translational medicine involves a multitude of computational steps. Here, we introduce the basics of how to design and run these steps within Galaxy, a free and easy-to-use web platform that enables users to connect bioinformatics tools into a workflow without any prior programming expertise. This course consists of two parts, each of which you could register separately. Part 1 will let you get familiar with Galaxy; it will introduce some bioinformatics workflows used for RNAseq, variant detection and metagenomics; and how to easily connect different computational steps in Galaxy. Part 2 will focus on how to teach bioinformatics with Galaxy and to design bioinformatics courses using Galaxy. Participants can register for both parts separately. This course is also interspersed with a few keynotes, from recognized researchers in the fields of biomedicine, bioinformatics education, and Galaxy workflows. The confirmed speakers include Remond Fijneman (Day 1), a scientist in oncology from NKI; Björn Grüning (Day 2), the leader of Galaxy training network, who is also actively involved in Bioconda, and Jaap Heringa (Day 3), the scientific director of the Netherlands Bioinformatics Centre. *PREREQUISITE KNOWLEDGE * The attendees of Part I are assumed to have the basic knowledge of biomedicine (molecular biology and genomics) and be interested in analyzing patient-derived sequencing data. The attendees of Part II are assumed to have some teaching experience in the relevant field (e.g., bioinformatics, computational biology, systems biology, quantitative biology, etc.) *COURSE SCHEDULE* The course consists of six modules, as the table below shows, covering a list of topics as follows: - Introduction to Galaxy. Run bioinformatics tools and workflows in Galaxy without the need for any programming expertise. - Reference-based RNA-Seq data analysis - Module detection in differential gene expression in meta transcriptomics samples. - Microbiota Analysis: 16S rRNA sequencing analysis in Galaxy - How to teach bioinformatics workflows. - How to prepare training material development. *Day 1 - Wed Oct 17* *Day 2 - Thu Oct 18* *Day 3 - Fri Oct 19* *Morning* Introduction to Galaxy <http://galaxyproject.github.io/training-material/topics/introduction/> Network analysis with microbiota metatranscriptome <https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/26342232> Teaching bioinformatics workflows Saskia Hiltemann <https://shiltemann.github.io/> Chao Zhang <https://hi-it.org/> Anton Feenstra <http://www.few.vu.nl/~feenstra/> *Keynote* I: About bioinformatics workflows II: About Galaxy and ELIXIR III: About bioinformatics teaching Remond Fijneman <https://www.nki.nl/people/fijneman-remond/> Björn Grüning <https://galaxyproject.org/people/bjoern-gruening/> Jaap Heringa <https://www.cs.vu.nl/~heringa/> *Afternoon* RNAseq <http://galaxyproject.github.io/training-material/topics/transcriptomics/> 16S rRNA sequencing with mothur <http://galaxyproject.github.io/training-material/topics/metagenomics/> Galaxy training material development <http://galaxyproject.github.io/training-material/> Björn Grüning <https://galaxyproject.org/people/bjoern-gruening/> Saskia Hiltemann <https://shiltemann.github.io/> Saskia Hiltemann <https://shiltemann.github.io/> *Evening* Social dinner *About the instructor*: Each session is led by one instructor listed in the table above but strongly supported by multiple co-instructors, including, but not limited to, Saskia Hiltemann (ErasmusMC), Björn Grüning, Chao Zhang (VU), Leon Mei (LUMC), Ruben Vorderman (LUMC) and Sanne Abeln (VU). *Correction*: An earlier version of this announcement mentioned that you don’t need to bring your own laptop, this is NOT TRUE. We regret the error. *You do need to bring your own laptop*. *COURSE FEE* Course participation is free of charge. A workshop dinner will be organized on Thursday (at participants’ own expenses) Should you have any question about this course, please contact Celia van Gelder (celia.van.gelder@dtls.nl) Dr. Celia W.G. van Gelder Programme Manager DTL Learning Training Coordinator ELIXIR-NL ELIXIR Training Platform Leader tel. +31613375327 e-mail: celia.van.gelder@dtls.nl websites: www.dtls.nl, www.biosb.nl skype: celia.van.gelder Office: DTL | Jaarbeurs Innovation Mile (JIM) | 6th floor Beatrixgebouw | Jaarbeursplein 6 | 3521 AL Utrecht Postal address: Postbus 8500 | 3503 RM Utrecht While I may be sending this email outside my normal office hours, I have no expectation to receive a reply outside yours. _______________________________________________ BBClist mailing list BBClist@psb.ugent.be https://maillist.psb.ugent.be/mailman/listinfo/bbclist -- https://galaxyproject.org/ https://usegalaxy.org/
participants (1)
Dave Clements