Hi All,
The GOBLET newsletter is out, and it includes a writeup of the May training materials hackathon, s well as info about ISMB and the annual GOBLET meeting.
Dave C
---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Ann Meyer Ann.Meyer@oicr.on.ca Date: Wed, Jul 19, 2017 at 11:35 AM Subject: GOBLET Second Quarter Newsletter 2017 To: "all@mygoblet.org" all@mygoblet.org
Hello everyone,
The Outreach & PR committee is proud to announce that the second GOBLET Newsletter for 2017 is out! A copy is attached to this email and it is available http://www.mygoblet.org/announcements/second-goblet- newsletter-2017.
Please distribute the newsletter within your own channels.
If you have any news items you would like featured in the next newsletter, please send an email to pr@mygoblet.org.
From your GOBLET Outreach and PR Committee.