Fwd: GOBLET 2017 AGM

---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Teresa Attwood <teresa.k.attwood@manchester.ac.uk> Date: Wed, Sep 13, 2017 at 5:56 AM Subject: GOBLET 2017 AGM To: "all@mygoblet.org" <all@mygoblet.org> Cc: Teresa Attwood <teresa.k.attwood@manchester.ac.uk> Dear All, For those of you who're planning to attend GOBLET's 2017 AGM, this is to let you know that registration for the event is still open. Information about accommodation can be reached via http://gtpb.igc.gulbenkian.pt/GOBLET2017/ This includes a section, 'How to attend': 1. Please fill-in the REGISTRATION FORM. 2. Book your stay at Hotel Solar Pameiras by e-mail, stating that you are attending GOBLET2017 to get our discounted rate (Eur 60.00 per night) Mailto: Reservas Solar Palmeiras 3. Check this wesite regularly for News and other updates If you visit the website and follow those instructions, the reservation process with the designated hotel should be straightforward (but please let us know if you encounter any problems) The hotel is block-booked at a discounted rate of €60 per night (as per the above) until mid October, so we'd encourage you to register and reserve your accommodation soon. Further details are available here: http://www.mygoblet.org/about- us/goblet-events/goblet-agm-2017-oeiras We look forward to seeing you in Oeiras! Best wishes, Terri On behalf of the GOBLET Exec -- https://galaxyproject.org/ https://usegalaxy.org/
participants (1)
Dave Clements