Fwd: Invitation from ISCB education committee related to tutorial topics

Hi All, The latest email from GOBLET. ISCB is looking to compile a list of "bioinformatics and computational biology tutorials at the meetings of other professional societies." See below if you have anything to add. Cheers, Dave C ---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: <Celia.vanGelder@radboudumc.nl> Date: Wed, Mar 2, 2016 at 10:42 PM Subject: Invitation from ISCB education committee related to tutorial topics To: all@mygoblet.org Dear all As member of the ISCB Education Committee I received the invitation below. Please spread this to people in your organization who would want to send a proposal. In addition, with our GOBLET hat on, I am sure we want to send in some of the topics we are working on together right now, and we can then brand them as GOBLET. Since this list is intended as tutorials for the meetings of other professional societies (e.g. life science, biology conferences ) I think it could be a very good route to bring our materials to the those communit ies. It is a channel that could be very useful for GOBLET. Best Celia *Van:* education@iscb.org [mailto:education@iscb.org <education@iscb.org>] *Namens *Welch, Lonnie *Verzonden:* woensdag 2 maart 2016 23:20 *Aan:* education@iscb.org *Onderwerp:* seeking tutorial proposals Dear ISCB Education Committee Members: The International Society for Computational Biology is working to facilitate the offering of bioinformatics and computational biology tutorials at the meetings of other professional societies. We are putting together a list of tutorial topics to share with the other societies. I invite you to send brief descriptions of tutorials that you’d be willing to offer in the general area of bioinformatics and computational biology education and training across the life sciences, including bioinformatics education and training resources and experiences; development of education programs, courses, & curricula; and teaching tools & methods. Best regards, Lonnie Welch Vice Chair of the ISCB Education Committee Het Radboudumc staat geregistreerd bij de Kamer van Koophandel in het handelsregister onder nummer 41055629. The Radboud university medical center is listed in the Commercial Register of the Chamber of Commerce under file number 41055629. -- http://galaxyproject.org/ http://getgalaxy.org/ http://usegalaxy.org/ https://wiki.galaxyproject.org/
participants (1)
Dave Clements