On Dec 20, 2012, at 2:52 PM, "Sun, Wenping [USA]" <Sun_Wenping@bah.com> wrote:
The problem is that if use usegalaxy.org/cloudlaunch to restart galaxy, it will launch to main.g2.bx.psu.edu, where I have no control on the data security and running queues. Meanwhile, the correspondingly initiated ec2 instance is brand new and has no previous work records to track with.
This isn't quite correct, but I think I see the confusion. When you launch an instance using usegalaxy.org/cloudlaunch it actually does start an instance in the cloud. A link to your new instance should be presented to you on a page saying something like "While it may take a few moments to boot, you will be able to access the cloud control panel at <your instance id>". If you don't click on that link to your new instance but instead just click "Analyze Data" in the masthead of that page you're going to go back to usegalaxy.org, which is the same server as main.g2.bx.psu.edu. So, for your use in the cloud you want to launch using usegalaxy.org/cloudlaunch, but make sure you're actually *using* the instance this starts for you, and *not* galaxyproject.org(main.g2.bx.psu.edu), even though we use that server to launch your personal cloud instance.