Hello everyone, I'm using TORQUE with Galaxy, and we noticed that if a tool is multithreaded, the number of needed cores is not communicated to pbs, leading to job crashes if the required resources are not available when the job is submitted. Therefore I modified a little the code as follows in lib/galaxy/jobs/runners/pbs.py 256 # define PBS job options 257 attrs.append( dict( name = pbs.ATTR_N, value = str( "%s_%s_% s" % ( job_wrapper.job_id, job_wrapper.tool.id, job_wrapper.user ) ) ) ) 258 mt_file = open('tool-data/multithreading.csv', 'r') 259 for l in mt_file: 260 l = string.split(l) 261 if ( l[0] == job_wrapper.tool.id ): 262 attrs.append( dict( name = pbs.ATTR_l, resource = 'nodes', value = '1:ppn='+str(l[1]) ) ) 263 attrs.append( dict( name = pbs.ATTR_l, resource = 'mem', value = str(l[2]) ) ) 264 break 265 mt_file.close() 266 job_attrs = pbs.new_attropl( len( attrs ) + len( pbs_options ) ) (sorry it didn't come out very well due to line breaking) The csv file contains a list of the multithreaded tools, each line containing: <tool id>\t<number of threads>\t<memory needed>\n And it works fine, the jobs wait for their turn properly, but information is duplicated. Perhaps there would be a way to include something similar in galaxy's original code (if it is not already the case, I may not be up-to-date) without duplicating data. I hope that helps :) Best regards, L-A