Thanks David,
I had considered this possibility but, curiously, the files don't show up in the FastQ Groomer pull-down menu either. The original (multiplexed) data file that I split using the Barcode Splitter is there (and, incidentally, I ran FastQ Groomer on that before doing the barcode split), but none of the 3 files resulting from the splitter show up. Any other thoughts? It seems like the new files just aren't landing in my history, though I can look at them by clicking their links from the Barcode Splitter output.

On Mon, Jul 18, 2011 at 12:01 PM, David K Crossman <> wrote:



                The files need to be groomed using the FastQ Groomer so that they will end up in the fastqsanger state.  Then your files will show up in the pull-down menus.





From: [] On Behalf Of Jeremy Coate
Sent: Monday, July 18, 2011 1:44 PM
Subject: [galaxy-user] using files produced by "Barcode Splitter"


I used the "Barcode Splitter" tool to split multiplexed RNA-Seq libraries into separate files. I would now like to map the reads from each of these fastq files to a reference genome. However, the fastq files generated by Barcode Splitter don't appear in the "Fastq File" pull-down menus within the the BWA or Bowtie launch pages. I'm probably missing something obvious, but what is the trick for making these files available for the mapping tools? Do I need to import them into my history somehow?

