closed On 3/28/11 7:38 AM, Brian Lam wrote:
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Today's Topics:
1. Convert SOLiD data (lishiyong) 2. Re: biomart plugin (Greg Von Kuster) 3. Re: Convert SOLiD data (Ryan Golhar) 4. Re: Convert SOLiD data (Jennifer Jackson) 5. Re: Sort& index SAM-files automatically (Ryan Golhar)
Message: 1 Date: Mon, 28 Mar 2011 11:35:15 +0800 From: "lishiyong"<lishiyong@genomics.org.cn> To: "galaxy-user"<galaxy-user@lists.bx.psu.edu> Subject: [galaxy-user] Convert SOLiD data Message-ID:<201103281135102031338@genomics.org.cn> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
Hello! I convert SOLiD csfasta- and qual-files to fastq-files ,I want to use the fastq-files to do denovo with SOAPdenovo.because the SOLiD de novo accessory tools Require large memory .But ,I find that there're some question for the converting . for example: T02023221102101032002002030011232121133222233311200 ��> AGAGTGGCCAGCACATGAAGAAGATAACCGTGCGCCTTGGGGTTTCCGAA
But I think it should to be TCCTAGACAAGTTGGCTTTCCCTTAAACAGCTGACATAGAGATATGTCCC Who knows the reason about this. 2011-03-28