17 Apr
17 Apr
1:30 p.m.
Dear "Galaxy Team", I have a question regarding the fastq quality trimmer (by sliding window) tool. What is the script running behind it? Is it a modified version of the fastx_quality_trimmer found in the fastx tools package? Is there a standalone version of it one can set up locally and run it from the command line. Thanks for all the info you can provide. best regards, Tomaž -- Lep pozdrav / Best Regards, dr. Tomaž Rijavec -------------------------------------------------------- Inštitut za fizikalno biologijo d.o.o. / Toplarniška ulica 19, 1000 Ljubljana / T: 01 587 54 70 / www.ifb.si Institute of Physical Biology / Toplarniška ulica 19, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia / T: +3861 587 54 70 / www.ifb.si