Does someone want to tell this person about the benefits of Galaxy? UCSC has already told him about featureBits. Belinda ---------- Forwarded message ---------- Date: Thu, 23 Feb 2006 17:54:49 -0800 From: Jing Zhu <jzhu@soe.ucsc.edu> To: genecats@soe.ucsc.edu Subject: [Genecats] what is an efficient way to combine data tracks? Hi everyone, I need some help on a browser-related frustration I have been performing intersections of data from more than two tables (combining repeatmasker, simple repeats and pseudogene tracks) by using the TABLE BROWSER. But each step of this process takes a very long time to finish, mostly displaying "loading ... " on web browser. Although I manage to finish it, I would prefer a faster method. Can anyone give me a pointer for an alternative approach? I am currently working on combining tracks of functional annotation (Affy's gene expression track, refseq, mRNA, ESTs, and RNAs) for the whole human genome. Thanks in advance. Jing _______________________________________________ Genecats maillist - Genecats@soe.ucsc.edu http://www.soe.ucsc.edu/mailman/listinfo/genecats