2008/12/3 Giovanni Marco Dall'Olio <dalloliogm@gmail.com>:
On 12/3/08, James Casbon <casbon@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi Everyone,
I have an "I want a pony" idea that I would like to kick onto the mailing list:
It would be great if there was a way for sharing tool definitions between users.
Hi, I would suggest you to put your scripts on github or on a similar web repository, and then share the link with all the people you want. If you don't want to use a commercial service (it is free, anyway), I think the best option is to put a repository using trac.
Well, I certainly don't want this thread to be about which VCS is best, I think that is covered elsewhere ;) If anything, mercurial is the sensible option because that allows you to work with the existing source tree. A better way to approach this might be to ask what tools you have added, or would be interested in, so we can see what overlap there is. So, I'll start. I have added: exonerate, restriction mapping, gnu tool chain (sort, uniq, cut, etc) would be interested in: 454 tools (sfffile, etc), interaction with pygr (woudl be difficult), hapmap. I suppose once workflows are stable, a way to share those would be good. There is that website somewhere for doing this, but I can't remember the name right now. cheers, James