James Casbon wrote:
I want the table browser to work and generate the correct (https) links back to my galaxy install, which means I set the URL scheme so that these are correct. This has the side effect that links to the tracks for genome browser are also https, which doesn't work. What I need is:
1. https urls for the table browser 2. http urls for the tracks
one is going to be wrong at the moment, because galaxy behaves correctly, but UCSC doesn't.
Ah, I understand the problem now. A simple redirect is not going to work, because the browser would have to speak https to get the redirect in the first place. Assuming that UCSC is happy to speak http to URLs starting with https, you should be able to use your favorite flavor of packet filtering to redirect all port 443 traffic originating from hgw[1-8].cse.ucsc.edu to port 80. --nate