Nate, Nate Coraor wrote, On 01/27/2009 09:18 AM:
Assaf Gordon wrote:
On a local galaxy server, I've got into a strange situation: Several jobs are marked as "new", but non are starting.
You may want to check the jobs' ancestors, generally they should only remain in the new state if jobs upon which they depend have not yet completed.
The same situation happened again on my Galaxy server. How do I check the jobs' ancestors ? Other than the jobs marked 'new', there are no other jobs (running or waiting). What I currently do is stop the server, Manually reset the jobs, with the following SQL command: UPDATE job set state='error' where state='new' ; And re-start Galaxy. There are some side-effects to this operation, as there are no running/waiting jobs but the history-list pane still shows running/waiting jobs. But without this manual intervention, new jobs queued by the users are no started. Thanks, Gordon.