Hi there I've recently submitted jobs to the Lastz mapping tool on the main galaxy server and would like to know what the recommended length of time is that I should wait for a job to start running. I've submitted several jobs but as of 48 hours later all are yet to run. I read on the Q&A that when the server is overloaded your request waits in the queue to be initialized, or that when too many jobs are submitted, only the first 8 are primed for execution. Would this be my problem (either too many jobs or a server issue) and how will I know this in the future? Thank you for your time! Best regards Francois Burger ------------------------------------------------------- Technical Officer for Cereal Genomics Group Lab 239 JC Smuts Building University of Stellenbosch Stellenbosch Western Cape South Africa ________________________________ E-pos vrywaringsklousule Hierdie e-pos mag vertroulike inligting bevat en mag regtens geprivilegeerd wees en is slegs bedoel vir die persoon aan wie dit geadresseer is. Indien u nie die bedoelde ontvanger is nie, word u hiermee in kennis gestel dat u hierdie dokument geensins mag gebruik, versprei of kopieer nie. Stel ook asseblief die sender onmiddellik per telefoon in kennis en vee die e-pos uit. Die Universiteit aanvaar nie aanspreeklikheid vir enige skade, verlies of uitgawe wat voortspruit uit hierdie e-pos en/of die oopmaak van enige lêers aangeheg by hierdie e-pos nie. E-mail disclaimer This e-mail may contain confidential information and may be legally privileged and is intended only for the person to whom it is addressed. If you are not the intended recipient, you are notified that you may not use, distribute or copy this document in any manner whatsoever. Kindly also notify the sender immediately by telephone, and delete the e-mail. The University does not accept liability for any damage, loss or expense arising from this e-mail and/or accessing any files attached to this e-mail.