Hi Curtis, It may be helpful if I first help to clarify how the history/dataset/workflows are organized. 1 - When a dataset is moved (through either method), internal linkage is not preserved. You could resolve this in two ways: a - By annotating where the moved result dataset came from. One suggestion for this would be to add in name of the other history - unique history naming would be advised - and keeping that history around for reference/traceability. b - Putting all of the work in the same history (best solution, especially if you are going to be creating workflows) 2 - When a history is shared, the other user creates a clone of your history as it exists when it is first imported by them. To conserve space, the underlying datasets are kept as a single file on the file system (as long as they are unchanged), but no user accessible linkage exists between the two histories after the clone is created. Changes in one history do not effect the other. If you want to share new results, have your collaborator import the history again. Naming imported histories in some way that will distinguish between revisions would be a good idea (unique names for histories is advised, shared or not). 3 - There are no roles that will allow two users to actively work on the same history. Also, it is not recommended to share the same user/password in an attempt to work in the same space - unexpected results may occur (not bugs, just internal tracking conflicts). Hopefully this helps to address your questions about sharing histories, but please let us know if something was missed or is still unclear. For searching the Galaxy wiki, specificity can be achieved by using a site key plus the search term. This is the Google link with the Galaxy wiki site key included. After clicking into Google with this link, add in your search term(s) after the site key and submit. http://www.google.com/search?q=site%3Ahttp%3A%2F%2Fbitbucket.org%2Fgalaxy%2F... This link is also documented at the very bottom of the Galaxy wiki home page: https://bitbucket.org/galaxy/galaxy-central/wiki/Home Thanks for using Galaxy! Jen -- Jennifer Jackson http://usegalaxy.org/ http://galaxyproject.org/