Hi Dipanjana,

I am not sure if you are still having trouble with upload or not, but if your files are large, or even if you just want to track progress, using FTP with a client is recommended.

My guess is that the upload jobs were waiting to execute (through a browser upload process?) when this email was sent, and that the server was busy at that time. For this type of case, waiting for the job to queue and run is the best strategy, as long as the data is under 2G. But please let us know if you are still having problems unrelated to the job queue and using FTP does not address them,


Galaxy team

On 4/6/13 4:15 PM, Dipanjana Datta De wrote:
last time i uploaded these files they were up quckly, but now it seems to run forever, please help. is there something wrong with the server??

Dipanjana Datta De
Postdoctoral Fellow
Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology
Virginia Commonwealth University
Richmond, Virginia

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