Hi Scott,

Is the 'Get Data -> Upload File' tool no longer functioning for you? Can I help with using Main or is this on a local/cloud instance that needs to be set up?

It is correct that the addition upload methods via the "Load Data" process - found at the top of the tool panel - are not included in our tutorials/vidoes yet. This is very new set of methods (first was placed on Main at the end of January) and may still undergo some changes. We expect this to stabilize near-term and then be documented. Both tools will continue to co-exist.

If there are any usage question right now (you or others) please let us know and we can help. The functions are either the same or very similar to the 'Upload File' tool, just presented in a different pop-up interface, plus now include convenience/feedback features.


Galaxy team

On 3/12/14 12:57 PM, Scott Tighe wrote:
For all users:

The tutorial on uploading data is incorrect. I do not think they have updated "how to upload data" yet.

Scott Tighe
Senior Core Laboratory Research Staff
Advanced Genome Technologies Core
NextGen Sequencing/Flow Cytometry
University of Vermont and Vermont Cancer Center
149 Beaumont ave
Health Science Research Facility 303/305
Burlington Vermont 05405
802-656-2482 (AGTC)

Jennifer Hillman-Jackson