Hi Karl, 
As a quick check, are the permissions for the S3 file set so anyone can read the file? That's required before Galaxy's upload tool will be able to access the file. 
Alternatively, if you don't want to set such loose permissions, you should be able to get a a signed URL for the given file using a Firefox extension S3Fox.


On Mon, Mar 14, 2011 at 4:40 PM, <karlerhard@berkeley.edu> wrote:


I have been able to get Galaxy to instantiate on our Cloud account, and
would like to use the NGS tools to trim and map Illumina libraries.

However, when I tried to import .txt files (the data contained in these
files are in fastq format) located in an S3 bucket, Galaxy did not
recognize them as fastq data.  I tried to import the files via the URL of
the S3 bucket, and Galaxy just imported the actual name of the URL rather
than the file itself.

Do I need to change the extension of these .txt files to .fastq?  Or have
I gotten something wrong with respect to the location of the data in the
S3 bucket?

thanks for any help!


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