In the title information you need to include UseScore information including the range you want to cover with your histogram. There is a section in the UCSC website that explains the content:

For stating the range of your histogram: scoreMin=X scoreMax=X. This will mean that the greyscale shading uses the two X values as the value for white and black, all other points will be an even range like the example on the UCSC browser page.

When I was doing this the information I used was wiggle format:
track type = wiggle_0 name="name of track" description="description" useScore=1 scoreMin=0 scoreMax=6.
ChrNo  StartPos FinishPos Score

Hope that makes sense/helps

On Thu, May 10, 2012 at 9:04 PM, Xianrong Wong <> wrote:
Hello,  I have a bed file in this format: chr# start end scores.  I tried to view it in ucsc main but it showed only where the fragments are(based on the start and end coordinates) with numerical scores beside each fragment.  How do I view the file as a histogram format?  What format will I need to convert the file to and where can I do the conversion?  Any advise is greatly appreciated!

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