Hi Nate, Thanks! It's more clear now. I've enabled the account in MySQL and it works fine again. Still I'm a bit puzzled though by how the assignment of roles works. I can not remove a role. If I remove a role and click save the changes won't stick... and the number for roles in the overview is incremented with every unsuccessful un-assignment... I don't have mercurial, so I fetched a gzipped tarball. It does not seem to have a version number. Therefore I was wondering how often are these updated? Does that happen with a cron job overnight or just once every while?... Thanks, Pi On 7•Jul•2009, at 2:50 AM, Nate Coraor wrote:
Pieter Neerincx wrote:
Therefore I have two questions: Is this the way it is supposed to work? I noticed there are scripts to delete userless histories, purge histories and purge datasets, but how do I really really delete a user?
Hi Pieter,
"deleted" and "purged" have a slightly different meaning than what it might seem. "deleted" is more like "disabled" but is so named to fit with the naming convention of columns on other tables. Deleting a user will disable the account, but keep the user's histories and datasets.
"purged" is used to indicate that all datasets and histories belonging to the user have been removed (or more accurately, marked as 'deleted' in their respective tables).
A user must then be "undeleted" to be allowed to log in. Since the 'email' column in the 'galaxy_user' table is unique, a new record cannot be created with the same email. The correct way to handle this situation is to undelete the account.
However, there was a bug preventing disabled users from being denied access, which I have now fixed in the repo. This should hopefully solve the issue you reported.
Thanks, --nate
------------------------------------------------------------- Biomolecular Mass Spectrometry and Proteomics Utrecht University Visiting address: H.R. Kruyt building room Z609 Padualaan 8 3584 CH Utrecht The Netherlands Mail address: P.O. box 80.082 3508 TB Utrecht The Netherlands phone: +31 (0)6-143 66 783 email: pieter.neerincx@gmail.com skype: pieter.online ------------------------------------------------------------