Thanks Jen. I tried a few more things before posting to galaxy-dev, and it turns out that I had the default virtual host still running, while I tried to have a galaxy virtualhost running alongside it. I think it should be possible to do that still, but it simplified and corrected it when I removed the default virtual host from apache/sites-enabled
I have a second question now. Where would I put the .htaccess file for it to be read correctly? I tried this line in my new virtualhost file, but no password prompt appears
AccessFileName /home/galaxy/bin/galaxy-dist/static/.htaccess
More info:
All directories are chmod 775 for user galaxy starting with /home/galaxy/
$ cat static/.htaccess
AuthType Basic
AuthName "Yay Bioinformatics"
AuthUserFile /home/galaxy/bin/galaxy-dist/htpasswd
require valid-user
$ cat htpasswd
$ ll static/.htaccess
-rw-r--r-- 1 galaxy galaxy 117 Apr 8 17:16 static/.htaccess
ll htpasswd
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 19 Apr 8 17:32 htpasswd