Hi, I have this week used the new wrapper version of Cuffdiff that you provide that should now include replicate information in output. But there is no resulting files created. Why? I get all the results in the right panel as usual and they are green (no error message) but the they are all empty.. I use bam-files and cuffmerge files that I have gotten result from before (both in spring and during summer- when you upgraded cuffdiff version). I attach below info for one resulting output. Kind regards, Johanna Tool: Cuffdiff Name: Cuffdiff on data 684, data 384, and others: transcript FPKM tracking Created: Oct 09, 2013 Filesize: 0 bytes Dbkey: hg19 Format: tabular Galaxy Tool Version: 0.0.6 Tool Version: cuffdiff v2.1.1 (4046M) Tool Standard Output: stdout<https://usegalaxy.org/datasets/bbd44e69cb8906b581bffe7ea9e0cd97/stdout> Tool Standard Error: stderr<https://usegalaxy.org/datasets/bbd44e69cb8906b581bffe7ea9e0cd97/stderr> Tool Exit Code: 0 API ID: bbd44e69cb8906b581bffe7ea9e0cd97 Input Parameter Value Note for rerun Transcripts 684: Cuffmerge on data 559, data 618, and others: merged transcripts Name MBs Add replicate 261: MarkDups_Dupes Marked s101_ok.bam Add replicate 348: s102_MarkDups_Dupes Marked on 256.bam Add replicate 412: s103MarkDups_Dupes Marked 357.bam Add replicate 378: s104MarkDups_Dupes Marked 347.bam Add replicate 425: s105MarkDups_Dupes Marked.bam Name Ctrls Add replicate 701: MarkDups_Dupes Marked688.bam Add replicate 671: SRR112675MarkDups_Dupes Marked417.bam Add replicate 433: SRR112673MarkDups_Dupes Marked 343.bam Add replicate 427: SRR111937MarkDups_Dupes Marked 376.bam Add replicate 382: SRR112601MarkDups_Dupes Marked 316.bam Add replicate 384: SRR111936MarkDups_Dupes Marked 328.bam Library normalization method geometric Dispersion estimation method pooled False Discovery Rate 0.05 Min Alignment Count 5 Use multi-read correct Yes Perform Bias Correction Yes Reference sequence data cached Include Read Group Datasets Yes Set Additional Parameters? (not recommended for paired-end reads) No ...................................................................................................................................................... Johanna Sandgren, PhD Department of Oncology-Pathology CCK, Karolinska Institutet SE-171 76 Stockholm, Sweden +46-8-517 721 35 (office), +46-8- 321047(fax), +46-708 388476 (mobile)