
Maybe you can, but not through me.  I'm just a lowly user and biologist.  You would have to contact the guy who did the installation and runs the server: Lei Yan (leiyan2000@gmail.com)

I would think he would be receptive to some help, so you should mail him.


On 11/7/12 4:05 PM, Dannon Baker wrote:
Main will complete the jobs eventually, though obviously that's not particularly useful in the context of your class today.  How is your cloud instance set up?  Cloud or local instances should be the best and most reliable option for teaching with and I'd definitely like to figure out why yours failed.


On Nov 7, 2012, at 3:57 PM, Larry Reiter <lreiter@uthsc.edu> wrote:


Thanks for getting back to me.  Both the local cloud install and the main server are frozen.  Well, not exactly frozen.  I can still rename or delete jobs, etc.  I can even switch histories and such, but I can't get it to run even simple jobs - like taking a demo file and running Fastq Groomer.  I realize the load is high today on the main server, but we were able to get jobs to run right up until we tried to MAP using Bowtie for Illumina.  At that point, all members of the class - and me - could not go any further (i.e. jobs are grey and never start to run).  Class ended almost three hours ago.

Does this help?


On 11/7/12 2:52 PM, Dannon Baker wrote:
Can you describe more about what is broken with your cloud install? 

Regarding main - the server has been under heavy load today and, while it shouldn't remain frozen, might be slow to dispatch and, depending on the type, execute) jobs.


On Nov 7, 2012, at 1:12 PM, Larry Reiter 

Tried to teach a class today on ChipSeq analysis, but the local Cloud install is broken and then the Penn server froze on us.  Is there something I should know?


Lawrence T. Reiter, Ph.D.
Associate Professor, Department of Neurology
855 Monroe Ave., Link 415
Memphis, TN 38163

901-448-2635 (Office)
901-448-7440 (FAX)
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Tooth Study
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Lawrence T. Reiter, Ph.D.
Associate Professor, Department of Neurology
855 Monroe Ave., Link 415
Memphis, TN 38163

901-448-2635 (Office)
901-448-7440 (FAX)
901-448-7443 (Lab)
e-mail: lreiter@uthsc.edu

Reiter Faculty Page
Reiter Citation Index
Tooth Study


Lawrence T. Reiter, Ph.D.
Associate Professor, Department of Neurology
855 Monroe Ave., Link 415
Memphis, TN 38163

901-448-2635 (Office)
901-448-7440 (FAX)
901-448-7443 (Lab)
e-mail: lreiter@uthsc.edu

Reiter Faculty Page
Reiter Citation Index
Tooth Study