Hi, I just noticed that Circos plots are now incorporated into Galaxy's visualization methods which is awesome! However, I'm a bit lost as to what kinds of data I can load into Circos and I cannot find much documentation, so I hope you guys can help out. 1. I tested it using a bigWig and a BED file. Both were loaded nicely in Circos, but I was surprised to see that the visualization of both files looked exactly the same, i.e. both file types seemed to be interpreted as histograms/coverage data. From the Circos plots I've seen in publications, I assumed that BED files should be visualized as straight lines, indicating genome regions (rather than a coverage). Am I doing anything wrong? Or, rather, how should I modify the BED file so that its content is simply interpreted as genomic regions? 2. In the Galaxy publication (www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2164/14/397), "line data" is mentioned for displaying connecting lines in the center of the circle - could you give me an example line of how this kind of data needs to be formated? It would be great to make much more use of Circster! Thanks a lot! Best wishes, Friederike