Good Morning Dr. Hunt: Can you please clarify what upload function from galaxy you are trying to perform ? Perhaps the galaxy user help email list could direct you to advice on this subject ? (copied on this email) The Ensembl genome browser accepts the same types of upload tracks as does the UCSC genome browser. --Hiram ----- Original Message ----- From: "Pustulka-Hunt Elzbieta (SystemsX.ch)" <ela.hunt@systemsx.ch> To: genome@soe.ucsc.edu Sent: Thursday, March 31, 2011 5:19:55 AM Subject: [Genome] USCS browser, access from Galaxy Connection refused Couldn't connect to 8080 Couldn't open Hi, I have a local installation of Galaxy. Is it at all possible to upload (easily) data from Galaxy to your browser? I have no trouble uploading an extra track to Ensembl. Could you support such access? Regards Ela ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Dr Ela Hunt SyBIT Deputy Project Manager Clausiusstr. 45, CLP D 2 ETHZ, CH-8092 Zurich +41 44 632 93 37 https://wiki.systemsx.ch/display/~ela.hunt@systemsx.ch/Dr+Ela+Hunt