Hi, we are running a local Galaxy server, administered by a bioinformatics core group. Our end users increasingly come to us with sets of large NGS files that they can't upload to Galaxy on their own through a web browser. We copy their data to a Galaxy filesystem and upload into data libraries from there using the admin interface. However, the users would prefer to be able get their data onto the server on their own. What's the best solution to that? Should we set up FTP upload? Are there other tricks? Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks. Yury -- Yury V. Bukhman, Ph.D. Associate Scientist, Bioinformatics Group Leader Great Lakes Bioenergy Research Center University of Wisconsin - Madison 445 Henry Mall, Rm. 513 Madison, WI 53706, USA Phone: 608-890-2680 Fax: 608-890-2427 Email: ybukhman@glbrc.wisc.edu