Hi there! I am teaching a workshop in East Africa, right this second, and we are trying to use a tool in galaxy (not too complex, files are not huge) to illustrate RNA-seq analysis. The server is SOOOOOOO slow-- is there a problem? Should we abandon ship and teach them Tophat using the command line? Please advise, at your earliest convenience-- I have a room full of impatient newbie hackers ;) Thank you! --Sarah **************************************** Sarah Schaack, PhD *Assistant Professor, Reed College* *Fulbright Scholar, Centre for Bioinformatics and Biotechnology, University of Nairobi**and Biosciences Eastern and Central Africa Hub, Int'l Livestock Research Institute* Email: schaackmobile@gmail.com Website: https://sites.google.com/site/schaackwork/ Phone (Kenya): +254 7 29 470 027 Workshop Info: https://sites.google.com/site/bioinfogenomicswrkshpea/