Dear Sir Afgan,
I am Moritz Juchler from University Heidelberg. I read through your slides for Bioblend and noticed that maybe you could help me with my problem. For my Bachelor thesis I have to setup GalaxyProject to find SNP's in genomes from hcc patients. I have a server on which I installed Galaxy locally, since we have a) very large files (>30GB per patient) and b) the data is protection sensitive.My goal is to do the first 5 steps of this pipeline:This is my current workflow: the matching executed history (with results)My question is: Am I going in the right direction? I really dont know if I'm doing the correct steps :( Are there any links or papers that explain which specific tool I have to use for the first five steps?Of course if you do not have the time to answer my question, please refer me to someone who can answer the question and maybe has the time for it.BestMoritz