Hello All, When running a grouping on a data set via the Join, Subtract, Grouping menu, I receive this error. An error occurred running this job: *Traceback (most recent call last): File "/opt/Bio/galaxy_dist/tools/stats/grouping.py", line 7, in ? from rpy import * ImportError: No module named rpy *I'm having the hardest time figuring out which R version with what version of Rpy to use. So far I've tried rpy-1.0.3, rpy2-2.0.6, with Rpackages 2.7.2 and 2.9.1. I've gotten both rpackages to compiled with the --enable-R-shlib option and I have put it in my $PATH. However, when trying to install either of they rpy packages, they complain about missing header file RGraphics.h, Rdevices.h, and more. Does anyone have a known good configuration to get this module working with galaxy? Which R package with which rpy version should I be using? Thanks, Hans Vasquez-Gross