Hi, I am starting off with 454 read data in an sff file. I would like to get quality statistics on the data, but having trouble getting the tools to work. I first tried to convert to a fastq file and use the "Compute Quality Statistics" tool, but I get this error, "An error occurred running this job: *fastx_quality_stats: found invalid nucleotide sequence "* I then tried the "fastq groomer" and repeated the "Compute Quality Statistics", but got the same error. Perhaps it cannot handle the longer 454 sequences? * * Alternatively I tried converting the sff file to a fasta file and quality file. I had to manually convert the quality data file to qual454 for the "Build Base Quality Distribution" tool to recognize it, but upon doing that I got this error: *"*An error occurred setting the metadata for this dataset." And the Build Base Quality Distribution tool, also failed. * * * * Any help resolving this issue would be appreciated, Thank you, Elad