Dear all, I'm been trying to get Galaxy to recognize this GFF from NCBI ( ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/genomes/Bacteria/Lactobacillus_reuteri_JCM_1112_uid58875/NC_010609.gff) but it failed to recognize the format after I uploaded it. Manual setting didn't work either because it gave me a "unable to set metadata" error to me as soon as I started a cufflinks run using that GFF. I have tried to reformat the file several times and even tried using the popular bp_genbank2gff3.pl script to re-parse the records from the original genbank file. Would anyone kindly look at the NCBI GFF and guide me to a solution to get this file recognized by Galaxy? I've been stuck for a couple of weeks now and would appreciate some suggestions. Thank you! Sincerely yours, Peera Hemarajata, M.D. Advanced graduate student - Versalovic lab Department of Molecular Virology and Microbiology - Baylor College of Medicine Department of Pathology - Texas Children's Hospital Suite 830, 8th Floor Feigin Center. Tel: 832-824-8245