I tried agaian and the same problem. I tuned off the bias correction but mantained the GFT file. May be this is the problem? I didnt find your history. Thanks ----- Mensaje original ---- De: Jeremy Goecks <jeremy.goecks@emory.edu> Para: Cristian Rojas <cristianrojasbr@yahoo.com.ar> CC: galaxy-user@lists.bx.psu.edu Enviado: miƩrcoles, 30 de marzo, 2011 16:16:14 Asunto: Re: [galaxy-user] Trouble with RNAseq analysis On Mar 30, 2011, at 3:01 PM, Cristian Rojas wrote:
Hi Jeremy, I turned off the bias correction and didnt use the genome option, just put the refernde (GTF file), but still the problem.
Any help?
I was able to run Cufflinks successfully with bias correction turned off; see the history that I've shared with you. Please try one more time and, if it doesn't work, report it using the bug icon next to the broken dataset. Thanks, J.